Because this is r/watches and not r/apple, I think it’s safe to assume that most people here wear analog watches at least primarily, if not exclusively.
I’d sell the Breitling and maybe get a GS dress watch or reverso, basically a nice piece on leather. I think the other three are solid and cover your steel bases.
This is not an unpopular opinion (within this subreddit). The majority of this sub absolutely loves hating on Rolex. There, that’s my de facto unpopular opinion.
How many posts do we need about this ass clown’s watch
I’m not really into the Legends of the Hidden Temple dial.
They certainly have become the front line advertiser in this subreddit.
Two thoughts on this. One, wear whatever you want whenever and wherever you want. But two, also consider that certain watches are more appropriate in certain contexts, and Rolex or not, a two-tone is slightly “fancier” to the average person than a plain steel watch.
I can’t speak to the longines, but I have a green AT on steel and it may be my favorite piece. I’m sure it would be awesome on rubber too.