Before the finals, KDF mentioned that T1 had a bunch of “weird picks” that they hadn’t shown yet, and aside from the Nocturne / Draven game, their other drafts in finals were relatively standard. Anyone have guesses as to what other hidden picks might be? My guesses:

------- Based on Solo Queue / Evidence -------

-Faker flexing mid Yone with Zeus on Yasuo or vice versa

-Keria Lux / Thresh (basically confirmed by Guma that if they had gone on blue side for finals, these would’ve been picked for the skin)

-Oner Karthus

-Oner Wukong

-Oner Kindred

-Oner Nidalee

-Faker Syndra

-Faker Neeko

-Faker / Zeus Gragas flex

-Faker / Zeus Aatrox flex

-Faker / Zeus Ksante flex

-Faker / Guma Tristana flex

-Faler / Zeus Jayce flex

-Zeus Fiora

-Zeus Graves

-Faker / Oner Taliyah flex

------- Pure Speculation --------

-Zeus Sion level 1 bot dive

-Faker LeBlanc

-Faker Ryze

-Keria Kalista / Jhin / Caitlyn support flex

-Guma Ziggs

-Faker Kai’sa mid flex

-Keria Rumble support flex (disco of course)

-Faker Nunu mid lol

-Oner Xin Zhao

-Zeus Kennen

-Zeus Jax

-Zeus Poppy

  • the_next_coreB
    1 year ago

    I don’t think flexing was particularly important in their prep. The whole gameplan for T1 this Worlds is to win lane hard, snowball with the first Herald and powerspike at 1-2 items to win skirmishes. This means they are prepping hard lane counters or simply combos that are super strong early.