Hey guys, I’m a new football fan and I love the Cowboys. I haven’t been a fan long so I’m confused why we get so much hate? Here are the arguments I get.

1.) “Ya’ll haven’t won anything in the post season”

If winning is the only thing, then that’s fine. Cool. Then, ANY team that doesn’t win the SuperBowl should get the same heat right? Are we giving out participation trophies for teams that win 1 or 2 play off games, or is every team that doesn’t win the SB a choke artist too?

2.) Then they say, “Oh but the Cowboys talk too much, that’s why yall get so much smoke”

Okay… you mean like every fan base? Philly fans were literally screaming “Dallas Sucks” after not even playing us, Chargers fans call Herbert the next coming of christ, every fan base talks that good stuff. Dallas just has a lot more fans, but that has nothing to do with the team itself. What is a fan base suppose to say? “Oh we the second best!” Or “I can’t wait to go 9-8!” Why are we diffrent?

3.) “Jerry be running his mouth too much.”

Bro… who cares. Half the Cowboys fans don’t care at all. If the GM said every year that we are going to the SB what difference does that make and why is that annoying to ppl?? This is a genuine question. That’s like saying a boxer says I’m trying to be World champion and his promoter goes out and says HE IS THE BEST BOXER EVER NOBODY WILL EVER BEAT HIM! That’s literally the Promoters job is to sell tickets. That’s all Jerry is doing but the team gets scrutinized for it. They get talked about for it. Why is that important, again serious question.

4.) “Dak said we aiming for the SB. So if yall don’t make it yall gotta get the smoke”

Again, he should say these things. Any QB with a team this good will say the same thing. If we don’t make it, then roast us. I’m so cool with that, but folks get mad like the audacity of Dak to say we going to aim for the SB. That makes no sense. Also roast the Ravens, Bills, Bengals, Chiefs, Eagles, and especially the 49ners for the same thing.

If we have had a good team for 25 years and have been a legitimate contender that long then the fan base should believe it, the team should believe it and the owner should believe it. And if they don’t win then talk your smack but don’t act like us losing is way worse than any other good team that loses, too. It’s the same. Bengals, Ravens, Bills, Cowboys, 49ners, all the same.

  • heyhey6251B
    10 months ago

    they have a stacked team and cant go anywhere in playoffs, but in regular season they smoke trash teams and get hype

  • UberKaltPizzaB
    10 months ago

    I think it’s jealousy. Honestly. Cowboys haven’t been really all that relevant since the 90s yet are still referred to as America’s Team (not so much anymore) and are still always on TV in prime time. Still the number 1 or 2 most valuable franchise in the world. Other fans look at this and the fact that they need a team to hate as a reason. It’s never made sense to me. When a fan of an AFC team would tell me how much he hates the Cowboys, I would always ask why. We’re not even in the same conference. Makes no sense.

  • Acceptable_Whereas16B
    10 months ago

    At this point, you have to embrace the fact that everyone hates the cowboys. It’s as much fun for us when they win as it is for them when they lose

  • Acceptable_Whereas16B
    10 months ago

    My favorite was watching a TikTok of a Giants fan hating on Dak and the Cowboys last week. The cowboys and giants were playing at the same time yet the dude was reacting to the cowboys game. His team was so trash he watched the better team lmao. Fucking losers

  • ChazGowerB
    10 months ago

    The Cowboys have the most annoying fanbase. Based on your post, you’ll fit right in.

    The Cowboys haven’t won anything substantial in 27 years. Yet they get media coverage like World Champions EVERY season.

    Jones isn’t hated because he ‘runs his mouth’ - he’s hated because he’s the only owner in the league that upstages his coach and doing it his way hasn’t produced a team capable of getting past the divisional round of the Playoffs in the last 27 years.

    THAT category is now down to Cleveland, Washington, Detroit, Miami… I think that’s it. Those teams don’t get media coverage like we do. And up until this season, with the resurgence of Detroit and Miami - were all seen as BAD organizations.

    We still get treated like an ELITE organization. We’re NOT.

    • rkentmcB
      10 months ago

      That is a matter of perspective. Cowboys are worth more than any other franchise. They also win more games than any other franchise, STATS. I think that the two are connected and for my money that qualifies them as elite.

      • ChazGowerB
        10 months ago

        That is a matter of perspective. Cowboys are worth more than any other franchise. They also win more games than any other franchise,


        . I think that the two are connected and for my money that qualifies them as elite.


        The MOST annoying fan base.

        By that chart, the Chicago Bears are the 5th most elite team in the NFL and the Eagles are about 3/4ths of the way to the bottom.


        This is why people hate the Cowboys. A pumped up sense of value, with nothing to show for it but PAST glory from the 60’s through the 90’s.

        We’ve won NOTHING in 27 years.

        THIS is why the team is so valuable. Because the fans now don’t seem to care. No matter how much Dallas shits their pants in the Playoffs every year, they still BUY, BUY, BUY and make Jerry RICH, RICH, RICH.

        THAT is a valuable franchise. No need to be successful, the fans will still spend their money.

        • rkentmcB
          10 months ago

          You assume I’m a Cowboys fan and include yourself in the “MOST annoying fan base” by saying ‘we’…interesting. Since you lack the perspective to have a nuanced conversation. I leave you to your misery. Have a good holiday.

  • TheClownIsReadyB
    10 months ago

    The Cowboys are like Coca Cola or Microsoft. They’re more of a brand than just a team. Brands get a lot of hate from many. I wear it as a badge of honor. When they stop talking about you, then worry.

  • rkentmcB
    10 months ago

    A couple of polarizing Sports Talk personalities have crafted a narrative around the Cowboys, Skip Bayless and Stephen A Smith. And people eat that up. Plus the Cowboys are the all time winningest franchise percentage wise, are worth more than any other team combined with our lack of a championship in 30 years, make the perfect storm.

  • ZaphenzoB
    10 months ago

    Because we’re the most successful sports franchise in the world. Because of that, the media always talks about us. They’re made to. So when fans of other teams have to hear about us all the time when the attention is unwarranted by success, they want us to lose. It’s pretty normal. Same reason everyone hated the Pats and hates the Chiefs. Except for us, it’s not even backed up by dominance like it was/is for them.