I lead a highly competitive sales team… We’re heavy into constant improvement. In our “after action meetings” we identify and document skills that everyone can do better next time… and these professionals create a plan to improve these skills…

How can this reciever core not be catching 100 balls before practice and 100 balls after practice? Whether it’s mental or whatever, how have they not fixed this week’s ago???

  • Reroka40B
    10 months ago

    Coaching and no not talking about Andy. This is on Matt Nagy and receivers coach.

  • Suds79B
    10 months ago

    I’m not saying one can’t improve skills but some of these things we’re talking about is just natural talent. You either have it or you don’t.

    Why can’t you run past that guy to get separation? - Because I physically can’t get any faster coach.

    Why do you drop so many passes? - Because I don’t have the eye-hand coordination or hands of say Chris Carter coach. (yes eye-hand coordination and hands are blessed skills too)

    You can work on skills but at some point you will just be capped because your God given talent level just isn’t on part with the competition. I think that’s the case for most of these guys in the WR room. No amount of “work on it” will make up for the fact that they suck with below average NFL caliber WR talent.