Been several times in promotion for gold. Couldn’t do it, it’s okay. I’ll get it next time. But now it’s been literally weeks when I simply can’t do anything to win. Got demoted all the way to the bronze. I get it, shit happens. Can’t win them all. I had bad games, teammates had bad games. But dude, isn’t it discouraging?

I never played that much, maybe like 600 games a season, but I’ve been really struggling to get out of silver. I’m ADC main, maybe it’s harder because I play solo bot lane. But man, I can’t do shit literally. I am thinking of maybe taking a break for a couple weeks, to let it cool down. Maybe even quit for good.

Sorry to bother y’all, it’s just that I had to vent and I play alone, so… I guess this is the right place. I really love this game and I think it’s mega fun, but man I really lost all my morale for it.

  • TeemoHentaiWarriorB
    10 months ago

    I Don’t think its physically possible to derank from Gold to Bronze unless you were doing it intentionally, That or the game is pushing you down to your actual rank. You’re not missing much past gold is a nightmare people act like it’s the LCS instead of a video game. If you aren’t above Diamond you should throw your ego out the door cause you ain’t ever gettin paid to play this game.