+10% AP ratio on my true damage
im sure zed/yone/yasuo/akali/kassadin/syndra will QUIVER IN FEAR
he needs something more real, like if his E could push champs away as it travels
or his ult instant-proccing his passive on the first tick for some max range executions
or removing the cast animation from his Q so he can orb walk it like syndra can
or his ult giving him a malz sheild on activation
or his passive proccing giving him a small sheild
a longer auto attack range to make that part of his passive more realistic in lane
if be fine if they had to nerf something in return for any of this, like higher Q mana costs (its too spammable), longer W cooldowns to make wave clear harder, idk
but rn he just doesn’t have enough to keep up with the current roster
Vel’koz is one of the 10 characters in this entire game that does not ever deserve buffs.