• lilbrudder13B
    10 months ago

    I don’t think they are failing. It’s way to early to be expressing such stupid overreaction takes. Cade has played less than 90 games and fans are saying we are failing him.

    They drafted for talent (over fit), which makes sense given our obvious lack of talent in the roster… I am happy with every 1st round picks they made since they drafted Cade.

    I am also happy with most the trades they made (Monte Bogey Burks) to surround him with Veteran shooters and to hold on to them. Sucks they are hurt, but we need the shooting more than anything else at this point.

    I am glad they jettisoned Bey, even if Wiseman was a dud. Umude came out of the G league and has played better than Bey did for us on both sides of the ball (outside that random 50 piece). Hell even Knox has arguably outperformed Bey when given extended run.

    I would like to see a trade or two this season to get more NBA players on the roster so someone being hurt doesn’t force us to play G league players and for the team to throw some money at bigtime shooters in FA or via salary dump trades in the off-season.

    We suck, but Cade is a part of that. So are injuries. It will take longer than we want, but they are slowly surrounding him with talent. If by next year we have the same issues you can say we are failing him, maybe.

    • n8bitgamingB
      10 months ago

      Cade has played less than 90 games and he rarely shoots over 50% in any game he has played. Ivey has the same roster issues and he routinely has efficient nights.

      Dude thank you for pointing this out. So far this season Ivey has six games where he has scored above 500, two games at 500, and three games under.

      Cade has zero games above 500. One at 500, and fourteen games where he’s shot under 500