Hi all! I hope this won’t be considered a low effort post.

There is this girl who I really like who is a big time Eagles fan. She says one of the best days of her life was when Eagles won Super Bowl 52 against the patriots with backup quarterback, undrafted players etc.

Unfortunately, I had never seen a football game or even thought about it until she asked me to become an eagles fan with her. I am not an American so I hope that explains why. So I decided to watch last night’s game and, even though I don’t understand what happened, I could feel it was a nerve wrecking game!

I watched some YouTube videos to familiarize myself with some of the basic rules before watching the game but I was still lost and kind of overwhelmed by it all. I’m a big sports fan and a loyal one at it too. If anyone watches soccer here and knows about Arsenal, yeah that’s been my club and always will be. All of the sports that I watch, I have been watching them my whole life. This is my first time picking up a sport that I’ve never watched before. So I need your help with a few things:

  1. How should I learn more about football? I need more clarity on the rules but eventually I’d like to understand the tactical side of it too so I can yell at Brian Johnson with you all. I really enjoy soccer as I’m able to follow the tactical setup and understand what the players are trying to do. I’d eventually like to get at that stage with football as well. Is there a YouTube channel or a podcast or some books that you recommend that can help with this?

  2. Where can I learn more about the Eagles and our history? I realized during the game yesterday that I literally know nothing about them. For all I know, this could have been like her asking me to become a HAAS F1 fan and I wouldn’t have known any better.

  3. Are there any special linguistics that only eagles fan use? Like how in soccer or at Arsenal we have our sort of slang for certain things and have songs for most players and certain situations. Is there anything like that for eagles’ fans or players?

  4. If you would be so kind, are there any special moments/memories that you have of our team that I could occasionally bring up that would make her happy or even impress her that I have learned so much about us already?

Anything would help!

Thank you so much for your time.

I don’t know what will happen with her but I’m stuck with y’all now.

Let’s go!

  • YeetLordSupreme69B
    10 months ago

    Other commenters have given you some really good tips but I just wanna add that a huge part of being an Eagles fan is having a visceral hatred for the Dallas cowboys. If you see someone publicly repping then you’re morally obligated to punch them in the nards. Doesn’t matter if it’s a literal toddler you do the right thing and punt little Timmy a good 40 yards.

  • LemondsingleB
    10 months ago

    Okay, so the first thing is MARRY HER. She’s obviously a keeper. The rest will come organically. If you don’t already swear a lot, that’s something you’ll have to start working on.