At first I want to say it loud and sound - I might be biased, there is a lot talk about AI and it stirs up the discussion about AI being everywhere and possibly replacing actors and politicians in near future.
Some background about myself. I’m a player with skill and game knowledge about gold division. So basically I know how games work but don’t know how most new champions work, I pick suboptimal decisions just for fun and not for the best outcome. I’m casual player that don’t really care about division I’m in.
I came back during Worlds and in ranked I was matched with bronze players, probably due to mmr decay. Games were really fun, I was chatting with people, enjoying the experience. It almost felt like season 1. I went through silver, gold and to platinum now (dropped from p4 yesterday, I’m not performing lately or hit my skill ceiling). Now things started getting wierd. My queue times are low, I don’t wait for players, I am never filled (despite contesting mid or jungle, depends on the day). People are not eager to chat and not even ping. They don’t respond when asked. At start I thought maybe in this division people mute other players and ignore they calls. I thought it was strange but kept on playing.
But then something really mind boggling started to happen. I’ve started to recognize some patterns in players behavior. Like me provoking certain action on map is triggering “matrix sentinels” even if my play has 0 impact on the game. This is wierd for this elo. Hell, I don’t even see this behavior on high level games (like in challenger streamers games). For example going deep into their jungle just to ward makes closest lanes to overreact and follow me just to return to lane if I just decide to go back and no vision is on me. Feels like playing against wallhack players in CS.
The other thing is like players getting “2 divisions smarter” after getting stomped. You see their movement and decision making and you know that their gamesense is on certain level. When it becomes almost too easy they somehow fix their skill and start to dodge our abilities in a really smart way making the game more challenging (and fun!). Luck? Scripts? Maybe, I don’t know.
Then I’ve started thinking. What if we were teaching AI Bots all this time? We were playing against bots to level smurf accounts. Decent neuron network analyzing milions of games from replays could create bots that good that we won’t even see the difference. And now, when player count is getting low Riot can still maintain low queue times and nurtue its game by keeping it alive with AI Bots. Maybe every game we have a bot on our or enemy side? Maybe two? Or maybe… just maybe… we are the only sentinent being in a game? The more I think about this the more I like this idea. It is genius to do this from Riot Games perspective.
It’s all just a hunch. I post this just for fun and discussion with you.
It’s not A.I People in Plat and Emerald are just awful players, I’m Emerald ll Right now i’ve never had such an urge to physically harm another player before. Every single game it’s infighting infighting infighting infighting troll infighting and dialup.
They don’t ping anything, Don’t ward anything, Don’t gank 90% of the time even if you freeze wave all game at your tower so easy gank & if they die even once? FF YOU PEOPLE SUCK!!!
When there isn’t infighting? There is zero chat at all and no pings.
If you want to enjoy yourself in Plat or Emerald do yourself a favor and derank to gold people actually want to play the game and are having a blast playing it.