I don’t understand when or where all these sweaty players came from but it’s really starting to annoy me quite a bit. Just as a disclaimer this is not a rage post from someone stuck in ranked. I haven’t played ranked since S10 where I hit a decent rank. People sweating in ranked is what they’re supposed to do. Try hard and get those LP.

I am specifically only talking about normals and the various rotating game modes. Atm I’m playing on a fresh account. It’s probably around silver/gold mmr and I can’t even remember the last time I saw someone pick any champ that wasn’t S++ Omega god tier or whatever. Every game has the same champs 20-40 in them. Arena was filled with the same 10 broken champs game after game.

Is it really not possible for people to just fuck around and have fun? Do they really need to WIN to have fun? It definitely feels like it atm. It might just be because of riots HORRIBLE matchmaking but I dunno. Every game is either my team obliterates the other or the other team obliterates us. There are almost never any close and exciting games. It’s not even fun being on the side that obliterates and wins the game due to an early ff at 15 min.

  • TeemoHentaiWarriorB
    1 year ago

    People been doing this for while now, Then they get offended if you play something off meta **Cough** Teemo DH Liandries / Cosmic Drive Supp **Cough** Doesn’t matter if you average 110 Vision Score per game and permanently have one side of map entirely mushroomed off so they can’t interact with drake or baron and need to have atleast 4 sweepers to enter the jungle.

    They will still whine, Doesn’t matter if you win lane so hard if you have any kills the AD will cry despite the fact they don’t have any assists and expect to last hit after you did 100% of the work while they brainlessly hit minions and you were fighting 1v2. Doesn’t matter if you average 52,500 Damage per game they will still cry.

    You either play META or you get harassed, Sweat Players tend to also be the ones who call FF if anything inconviences them, If you mushroom their lane and they die to your mushroom? Infighting for rest of game.

    And before a chucklehead replies, I’m Emerald ll people in this rank should be good players but majority are not and have the Mental capacity of a toddler. Some Diamond players have the same Mental Capacity which is sad as hell considering that’s supposed to be where “High Elo” starts.