Tom brady recently said the following:

Essentially, rules are regulating player safety more than players themselves. Sick of QBs going down? Maybe QBs should be learning how to play more safely themselves instead of putting them in harms way.

Why I agree with this comment is because these injuries are creating more rules that regulate player safety and downgrade the ability to play hard defense (which I still enjoy watching).

Now, I think Kareem Jackson’s hit is illegal and has been illegal for a decade+. But, what about HARD hits that are legal but draw a flag ‘just in case.’

Rules regulating this style of play is a slippery slope. We can keep going down this rabbit hole of more and more rules around how a player is hit. But, at what point does it stop? WORSE – it’s easy to make another rule, but how do you get rid of rules if the NFL decides they went too far?