What video game franchise could be way bigger than it is

  • SmartForARatB
    10 months ago

    Warcraft to be honest.

    Warcraft 1, 2, and 3 were all revolutionary in different ways when they came out and each one expanded upon a growing story and mythology.

    When World of Warcraft released, it too added to the game’s lore and provided something new, cool, and revolutionary. It was the biggest MMO in the world for YEARS. It might still be, idk, though it has lost like 2/3rd of the people it had at its height.

    But World of Warcraft has the same issue that TV shows on cable networks have. They HAVE to keep it going. Forever. So to make new content, they just have to make up all new crap constantly, and over time, it dillutes the story, wrecks the lore, leads to retcons, and just screws it all up because they can’t ever stop making new crap up or they will lose money. Not to mention the constant issue of power creep that they do nothing about. Every villain has to be bigger, badder, and more existential than the last.

    And because World of Warcraft exists and is continuing the “story”, such as it is, they haven’t released a new Warcraft RTS in 20 years.

    I think the Warcraft franchise as a whole needs a reboot and a return to its RTS roots. They can just set it in an alternate dimension or timeline or something if they need to justify why it isnt part of their nonsense canon that WOW runs on, they already travel to alternate realities and timeless there ANYWAY, so what difference does it make.

    With modern tech, just imagine the game they could create. It could be akin to those medieval city builder games, except you also train and equip your little orcs to go to war and send them on campaigns to other territories, etc. With modern technology, you could make a genuinely amazing gameplay experience for that kind of game.

    But no. Instead we have endless World of Warcraft with graphics that are always at least 15 years out of date with story and lore constantly being pumped out like toxic waste coming from a factory as a byproduct.

  • bromanskeiB
    10 months ago

    Total War. The series started great, Shogun, Rome, Medieval, Empire , Warhammer. This past decade or so the games have gradually decreased in quality & scope. With the recent Pharaoh bombing & their abysmal relationship with the community, I sense dire times ahead for Creative Assembly. I hope they return to their old ways while spicing up the franchise. Personally hoping for Medieval 3 or Empire 2. We shall see…

  • bromanskeiB
    10 months ago

    Total War. The series started great, Shogun, Rome, Medieval, Empire , Warhammer. This past decade or so the games have gradually decreased in quality & scope. With the recent Pharaoh bombing & their abysmal relationship with the community, I sense dire times ahead for Creative Assembly. I hope they return to their old ways while spicing up the franchise. Personally hoping for Medieval 3 or Empire 2. We shall see…

  • SFWzasmithB
    10 months ago

    Halo but my personal pick is COD. The bones of a TERRIFIC fps experience are there but there is so much other garbage that obfuscates the parts of the game that are really good.

  • SFWzasmithB
    10 months ago

    Halo but my personal pick is COD. The bones of a TERRIFIC fps experience are there but there is so much other garbage that obfuscates the parts of the game that are really good.

  • vortex4848B
    10 months ago

    Total war. Getting absolutely shafted by devs, lack of progress in intresting game mechanics and the publisher i feel is about to go full cash grab.

    NOTE: Can’t even develop a better game then rome or medieval 2 in this many years fuck sake!

  • vortex4848B
    10 months ago

    Total war. Getting absolutely shafted by devs, lack of progress in intresting game mechanics and the publisher i feel is about to go full cash grab.

    NOTE: Can’t even develop a better game then rome or medieval 2 in this many years fuck sake!

  • Xano74B
    10 months ago


    Sonic has so much going for it. Absolute amazing music, great level design, fantastic speed platforming.

    But it’s always so inconsistent.

    It’s also always stuck with a gimmick.

    I will always say the reason Mario games have always done universally better than Sonic is because they stick to their roots. Whether they are 3D or 2D, you can always expect a consistent, good experience even if you’re not a fan of the games. Even Mario Sunshine which I’d probably the most experimental of the series is pretty standard Mario affair.

    Sonic however wants to always be different and take away from the core experience.

    In Sonic Adventure 1 we had to play fishing games and shoot em ups.

    In Sonic Adventure 2, we have more shooting, car driving levels, and for some reason a removal of the open world that was actually cool in SA1.

    In Sonic Heroes we get RPG Sonic with required speed stops to fly or fight enemies.

    In Sonic 06 we have bad.

    In Unleashed the concensus is the day levels are some of the best in the series, but it’s ruined by the tacked on Werehog.

    The only games since Sonic 3 & Knuckles that really try to be a just plain Sonic game are Generations and Mania, both regarded as some of the best modern Sonic games and it’s because they stick to the formula. Fun levels and great music with a mix of speed. No fishing, no shooting, no fighting.

    A lot of people think Frontiers is the new approach but I found the open world absurdly boring. It’s the only Sonic game since Shadow that I just couldn’t finish and I’ve 100% Forces twice.

  • Xano74B
    10 months ago


    Sonic has so much going for it. Absolute amazing music, great level design, fantastic speed platforming.

    But it’s always so inconsistent.

    It’s also always stuck with a gimmick.

    I will always say the reason Mario games have always done universally better than Sonic is because they stick to their roots. Whether they are 3D or 2D, you can always expect a consistent, good experience even if you’re not a fan of the games. Even Mario Sunshine which I’d probably the most experimental of the series is pretty standard Mario affair.

    Sonic however wants to always be different and take away from the core experience.

    In Sonic Adventure 1 we had to play fishing games and shoot em ups.

    In Sonic Adventure 2, we have more shooting, car driving levels, and for some reason a removal of the open world that was actually cool in SA1.

    In Sonic Heroes we get RPG Sonic with required speed stops to fly or fight enemies.

    In Sonic 06 we have bad.

    In Unleashed the concensus is the day levels are some of the best in the series, but it’s ruined by the tacked on Werehog.

    The only games since Sonic 3 & Knuckles that really try to be a just plain Sonic game are Generations and Mania, both regarded as some of the best modern Sonic games and it’s because they stick to the formula. Fun levels and great music with a mix of speed. No fishing, no shooting, no fighting.

    A lot of people think Frontiers is the new approach but I found the open world absurdly boring. It’s the only Sonic game since Shadow that I just couldn’t finish and I’ve 100% Forces twice.

  • i__am__boredB
    10 months ago

    Twisted Metal.

    War of the Monsters (like big time)

    I had to include Twisted Metal but I’m gonna be honest, NOW is the time for another War of the Monsters. Fully destructible environments are going to blow up on new gen and King Kong and Godzilla are still very popular. I am 100% certain, if done well, War of the Monsters would be a massive hit on new gen.

  • i__am__boredB
    10 months ago

    Twisted Metal.

    War of the Monsters (like big time)

    I had to include Twisted Metal but I’m gonna be honest, NOW is the time for another War of the Monsters. Fully destructible environments are going to blow up on new gen and King Kong and Godzilla are still very popular. I am 100% certain, if done well, War of the Monsters would be a massive hit on new gen.