I see a lot of people saying he should get a legendary skin etc. I think it would be dope for him to get a whole ass champion.
“Faker, the demon king” or some shit. Would need to low-key look like faker without looking silly / out of place on summoner’s rift. Probably some sort of control mage. Kit should resemble a mix of his signature champions (Ryze, LB, Azir, Ori, good luck balance team).
Let’s hold our horsies, Faker could turn evil any minute
Faker should get his own country tbh
Back in base they should hang a portrait of him next to the merchants.
The only way Riot can make most fans hate Faker is by releasing an OP champion based on him. The posts saying how they’re sick of seeing Faker in every match and being killed by him with no counter play would be hilarious.
I think making a champion would be hard. Make it too strong and the fanbase may view it super annoying to play against. Or make it too weak and the fanbase will throw rocks at Riot for doing Faker injustice.
I pesonally think the midlane inhibitor or the Nexus turrets as Faker statues as the final line of defense as the Unkillable Demon King would be great. It would be like you have to go through him to win.
Rekaf the King of Demons
Bro, they’re gonna skin him alive (pun intended).
They should have a Faker Statue at the rift.
I’m not 100% sure how it would fit in the lore, but hear me out. A calm Darkin’, who overcame his Darkin’-ness, imprisoned in round glasses. Moniker would be Demon king or some shit.
This would immortalize Faker, both in the rift and in lore. Being canon would mean he could appear in other Runeterra games. Faker as an actual raid boss in the MMO anyone?