#Box Score

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  • shelvinoB
    10 months ago

    I am so excited to see Brogdon back. 4-5 from 3 is heaven sent compared to the shooting we have been getting since he went down. We finally managed to top 100 points again with him back because despite him missing time, he 19 points and 5 assists in 25 minutes. Just great production from a steady vet that we desperately needed.

    I thought Sharpe had his burst back but just missed some bunnies at the rim and couldn’t nail his 3s sadly.

    Shout to Jabari Walker who is averaging 9/5 on 50/37 shooting splits over the past 5 games. Really solid production off the bench and I think we should actually feed him more offense for the second unit because most of the time, I think he creates a good shot most of the time. Grant had his best passing game that I can remember. He was trending in a good direction with his playmaking once the ball was in his hands more in Detroit but this year it feels like he hasn’t passed the ball at all this year but this game he made legit passes.

    If we get Scoot back, then I really think we are going to start picking up a lot more wins. I know people can look at our records and some of our performances lately and think we just are awful team but I think with Scoot/Brog/Simons back then we are going to look so much better.RIP CITY!!!

  • shelvinoB
    10 months ago

    I am so excited to see Brogdon back. 4-5 from 3 is heaven sent compared to the shooting we have been getting since he went down. We finally managed to top 100 points again with him back because despite him missing time, he 19 points and 5 assists in 25 minutes. Just great production from a steady vet that we desperately needed.

    I thought Sharpe had his burst back but just missed some bunnies at the rim and couldn’t nail his 3s sadly.

    Shout to Jabari Walker who is averaging 9/5 on 50/37 shooting splits over the past 5 games. Really solid production off the bench and I think we should actually feed him more offense for the second unit because most of the time, I think he creates a good shot most of the time. Grant had his best passing game that I can remember. He was trending in a good direction with his playmaking once the ball was in his hands more in Detroit but this year it feels like he hasn’t passed the ball at all this year but this game he made legit passes.

    If we get Scoot back, then I really think we are going to start picking up a lot more wins. I know people can look at our records and some of our performances lately and think we just are awful team but I think with Scoot/Brog/Simons back then we are going to look so much better.RIP CITY!!!

    • Classics22B
      10 months ago

      If we get Scoot back, then I really think we are going to start picking up a lot more wins.

      Who’s gonna tell him

      • shelvinoB
        10 months ago

        I think Brog will be the main guy who will help lead to more wins. But Scoot just being able to attack and get easier shots for Ayton and Sharpe will help. Scoot was awful and I never loved the draft pick but Sharpe did play a lot better when he had him around. Sharpe averaged 20/6/3 on 46/37 splits. Mays is awesome but I think Scoot helped take a lot of pressure off Sharpe. And I am hoping Scoot looks a bit better than his super rough start to the year.