It has been deeply frustrating and disturbing by the manipulation of what was stated by the prosecution. To be criminalized, harassed and misrepresented at the expense of charging someone else is dishonoring and insulting to my integrity. To have someone cultivate their own narrative and expedite false statements was completely reckless, defamatory, and a violation of my human and civil rights, as well as the judicial process. I don’t want my trauma to be someone else’s campaign or agenda. I will not support defaming someone’s character regardless the color of their skin, stature, or notoriety to illuminate myself. I have never granted anyone, including family, media outlets, or officials permission to speak on my behalf other than my lawyer. My privacy and relationship shouldn’t be used as a headliner for personal gain, engagement and suffering.

The harassment and eagerness for me to support these claims to justify their position and remarks is a matter an Assistant DA took into her own hands while I was vulnerable, emotionally healing, and unavailable at the time of information being released. She stated her reason for being so aggressive in wanting to connect is because she needed statements in a timely manner to convey in court which led to the false allegations. She went ahead and provided false narrative of details specifying that Kevin had balled his fist up and repeatedly punched me five times in the face along with strangling me until the point of losing breath causing redness, strain, and scars which I did not have and never occurred. The “quotes during the arraignment” were her’s used for the efficacy of “the elements of the charges” and were not my words, which she acknowledged. I have multiple recordings to corroborate these statements, including apologizes from the department for rushing and reporting false narratives about this incident and Kevin being “previously abusive in our relationship.” I have implored to her in these conversations to please stop spreading false-truths. However, accountability was never taken in court or to the press for completely falsifying and manipulating evidence.

It is unfortunate that misleading information and narratives were shared to bring forth current charges in this case. There never was any “insufficient evidence” provided because it never existed. The statements and allegations were fabricated by the Assistant District Attorney for “the elements of the case,” as she stated. They never had a chance to interview me to present this falsified information of my injuries. The information Assistant DA, Migah Qum received was by hearsay and invalid to my truth. She stated that although there was no consent or confirmation of my medical records, there was an officer present who overheard possible comments from medical personnel and informed the DA what my injuries might be, without proper confirmation. She decided to present that during the initial arraignment while media was present. She states in her email that “my trauma has been compounded by the fact that they have not been able to have a full conversation with me regarding the incident.”

It is polarizing when codes of ethics are violated and egregious statements are illuminated into false realities appearing real. I am not condoning any behavior, but merely protecting my truth and integrity from misleading statements and inaccuracies. My unfortunate experience should not be used as a platform to catapult careers and at the expense of defaming, belittling, and destroying the character of human lives, especially my own.