That’s not what I meant. I meant changes in the betting line from opening. There were huge changes for Donaghy games, because he was fixing them and people were betting large amounts, which changed the odds.
Foster is the official who received 134 phone calls from disgraced referee Tim Donaghy between October 2006 and April 2007
Foster calls loads of refs all the time. Donaghy’s crimes were spotted by patterns in the betting. These patterns do not exist for other referees.
Two that I can think of:
Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino. Nominally a book where Marco Polo describes the cities he’s been to to Kublai Khan, the cities are often very abstract and impossible. They are linked together by the chapter titles.
The Savage Detectives by Roberto Bolano. First 100 pages is a series of diary entries (I think), then the next 400 is collected interview answers which touch on the lives of two poets, and then some more diary at the end. Perhaps this reduces it too much, because it’s one book that I’ve read where I feel polyphonic actually applies. You also get the sense of these poets from so many different angles.
Clyde is on one, about five rhyming couplets in a minute; loosey goosey, percolating and devastating, etc
Maybe Jordan wouldn’t have retired twice more than anyone else if he’d rested a bit from time to time.
Dunker’s Spot might be what you’re after.
When you’re watching, try to avoid focusing on the ball, and aim to watch the whole tableau (?) at once. Basketball happens in a very small space; the whole court would fit into a football (soccer) penalty area. Look for off-ball movement and screens being set.
This is obviously ridiculous, but at the same time I do remember that he was happy to not to be going to the Rockets, but they look a lot better