Ashe: W Cooldown: 18/14.5/11/7.5/4 seconds ⇒ 18 seconds at all levels; R Cooldown: 100/80/60 ⇒ 110/90/70; Ability Haste: -30 ⇒ 0

I am a degenerate W spam Ashe enjoyer because I prefer mages and that’s close enough to a mage for me to not reroll, but I was having more trouble than usual in the match I just played because it felt like I couldn’t use W as much as I expected to. I only concluded that something must be wrong and checked the tooltip at about the halfway point, way too late to accomplish or contribute anything in the match. To be fair, it was the perfect match for this to happen because the enemy team was a coordinated group of five being carried by their Ezreal in literal Master and we surrendered as soon as he got a penta on our team of unranked, Iron, and level 30s players, so my build didn’t actually matter. But still, there might be someone unaware as I was that Riot more than quadrupled the CD of a key ability and buried it in a pile of 5% adjustments. If that unaware person sees this thread among all the Worlds spam and I prevent them from having a similar uncomfortable moment, I’ll consider that a success of some kind.

TL;DR: Ashe’s W spam build is dead.

  • RDKiB
    10 months ago

    That’s kinda sad tbh. Part of the fun in ARAM was those unique poke builds and learning to play into them. AP MF and poke build Ez still stand strong at least. Nothing more iconic than Riot and killing innovation/diversity in their game.