So I have sweaty hands. I’ve got a silicone cover for my Deck and it’s wonderful. It keeps my hands from getting too sweaty when I play compared to when I have them pressed against the flat plastic of the Deck. I think it’s the texture where my palms sit that helps the most.

I’m also a big fan of the extra grip from the silicone. I never feel like I’m going to drop my Deck when I carry it around, even casually, but when I take the cover off I get paranoid that the plastic will just slip out of my hand.

My “problem” is that I have no self-control and I really want to unnecessarily upgrade to the LE OLED Deck while they’re still in stock, but I don’t want to cover it up with something like that silicone cover.

When my hands get sweaty (this happens to me with controllers, too) I feel the need to wipe them off. It becomes a whole thing where I keep pausing to wipe my hands because they feel a lot more sweaty than they really are and I’d just like to avoid that whole thing if possible. Anyone have any potential solutions?