I can’t get away from thoughts how fabulously perfect T1 redemption story is. Their plays, their champion picks, it was all “designed” for T1 to redeem themselves.

  • T1 in this roster was known for shaky coaching staff, a lot of shuffles, and weird drafts in key games (game 5 against DRX is still contesting for me a title of "worst draft ever in key game). Just to end up with Tom, who is absolutely perfect on drafting, T1 the whole Worlds was just “different”;
  • T1 who over and over again tried to “overwrite meta” but felt short multiple times, this year just completely in solo redefine entire meta of 2023;
  • Team who for lost LCK Summer 2022 and 2023, and Spring 2023, who lost Worlds Finals, lost MSI series to JDG and BLG, lost so many decisive games, just to come clutch and solid. 3:0 stomp in Finals from a team who everyone doubt “can or not they choke again”;
  • Zeus. Zeus who was known for heavy choke in key games, who lost game 5 against DRX on Gwen, game 5 against JDG on Gwen, and lost 3 games in MSI finals to Bin’s Gwen, just took this champion and annihilated WBG from the map. It is iconic that Zeus claimed a title from TheShy – a former World Champion who redefined toplane in modern meta, and for many is considered as the best toplaner who ever existed on the rift. 19 years old btw
  • Gumayusi. Guma’s Jhin was a meme for T1 fans for a long time. He lost on this pick to DWG in 2021 Semis, and to RNG in MSI-2022 Finals. Guma lost on Draven to Gen.G in Summer Finals. He lost with Kalista and Varus to DRX in last year Finals. Just to pick all of them and win it all this year.
  • Oner. The most criticised players of T1 (also by me) this year, the rumoured reason why T1 want to change roster this off-season, just turned into a pure God. Perfect pathing, tempo, engage, teamfight abilities. Except one game against Gen.G, Oner was just on another level to everyone else entire tournament, and his opponents were not an easy one: Xun, Kanavi, WeiWei, Tarzan and even Blaber (best C9 player);
  • Faker. 7 years from last Worlds title, 6 years from last international one. Worlds 2017, MSI 2019, Worlds 2019, Worlds 2021, MSI 2022, Worlds 2022, MSI 2023 — 7 international titles. Always at least in Semis. Twice in a game away from trophy. After all those years and insane level of grind he still here, still playing, still winning.

Everything fits perfectly. Every piece of redemption story perfectly finds itself. Even champions T1 play just perfectly fits into it.

And you wonder where Keria is redemption story?

  • 2020 – Quarters
  • 2021 – Semis
  • 2022 – Finals
  • 2023 – Win
  • 2024 – ?

Keria story just only begins

  • ausmomoB
    10 months ago

    Tom should be spanked for drafting Jhin game 1 vs JDG! How dare he do that to us! I don’t care how effective it was - the mental boom we felt was real.

    Oner has always had god-like peaks. His issue was always consistency. Emphasis on “was”. He was as solid as a rock this Worlds.

  • acloudisB
    10 months ago

    T1 who over and over again tried to “overwrite meta” but felt short multiple times, this year just completely in solo redefine entire meta of 2023;

    What? Statement doesn’t even make sense? ReDiFiNe dEfInE eNtIrE mEtA oF 2023 in bold text?

    Finals from a team who everyone doubt “can or not they choke again”;

    Hardly anyone doubted them. Majority predicted 3-0 stomp. T1 did not choke last year, DRX just played really well.

  • OwOLeviUwUCicaB
    10 months ago

    its an amazing roster and they had a great run but the fake info spreading gotta stop😭😭😭

  • KrnmangB
    10 months ago

    Keria 2024 - Golden road achieved

  • AlfredBarnesB
    10 months ago

    I was really disappointed by the in-depth story lines the casting crew put out. After hearing the same surface level “they choked last year” i was really wanting them to elaborate why t1 might be struggling. Was it the draft? was it the plays?