• LoganJFisherB
    10 months ago

    Serious question: Can’t the copper bulb and crafter changes be reverted with mods? Obviously it would be better to have them work as they should in vanilla, but they do seem like straightforward fixes.

  • Victoonix358B
    10 months ago

    It’s so weird seeing the contrast between Mojang and Factorio devs developing an update. Smaller team, way better communication with the community, way more important bug fixes (there are practically no bugs in the game right now. If a small one shows up, it’s quickly patched out).

    And also, they’re giving us exciting news on upcoming content every week. These past weeks we got news about a new meteor gathering building, space platforms, elevated train rails, major improvements to rail placement, robot AI, remote controlling, ghost placement…

    Meanwhile over at Minecraft, the multi-million dollar company Mojang, backed by trillionaire Microsoft, they’re delaying bundles, a much requested feature, for over 3 years, with no news on them whatsoever. They’ve made a stupid change to a redstone component everyone in the community liked because reasons and refuse to change it back.

    This update is so small and non-exciting, I’m not even gonna boot the game up for it, the same as 1.19 and 1.20.

    I’m really considering abandoning the game entirely because I just don’t see any worth in it anymore. It’s a barebones game lead by a team of arrogant and opinionated devs that don’t want to risk taking any bold moves.