Now that Roadhog got reworked and has his one-shot back, I doubt he is the worst character in the game anymore, as well as he is much harder to kill if the Roadhog knows how to move up and take cover properly. So who do you think is the worst character and what changes would you make to help him keep up with the meta.
Sadly wrecking ball :( such a fun unique hero and also an adorable lil hamster. Used to be my main a while back and its sad to see him in such a horrible spot, a worthless pick in 99% of situations
He doesn’t have one shot
I feel like anyony who says “Now that roadhog has his one shot” doesn’t remember or has played against him when he ACTUALLY one shot squishies.
His one shot was a legit hook and shot. It didn’t even need to be a headshot for him to elim a hero other than tank
He now has to hook, 2 shot or shot+mele and/or drag someone into his pin. It’s not a one shot by far.
Hanzo/Widow are the ONLY true one shots in the game.
Ball is the weakest character by far. Only viable in highly coordinated teams.
Either Hammond, Genji or Doom. They’re all serious cheeks right now.
wrecking ball can still combo you and kill pretty quickly
doomfist can still kill with primary
but tracer just gets one shot by everything, her damage gets out healed by everything, her only defense is burning recall early, and there’s no reason to pick her ever. just go genji or reaper they’re way more reliable and they do way more damage from a way safer distance
Tank: Ball and Rein.
Dps: Cassidy and Pharah.
Support: Zen.
Man tried to sneak reinhardt in
Its tracer sadly she used to be so strong back in ow1 but now every blink u take isnt as good is it used to be cuz most lf the time u will get headshoted randomly by a kiriko mei and cass (⋟﹏⋞)
Cree and ball
Tank: Doomfist
Dps: cass
Supp: Lucio
Ball, Cass and zenyattatattatata.
Cass or mercy. Cass is just… Cass. He doesn’t have much range and the fall off is insane, ofc at close range he’s kinda busted if you can aim, but he’s not meant to be a close range hero.
Mercy is just the weakest in her roll without a doubt. Ppl bitch bc movement and rez or whatever… but any other support can do what she does better. Better heals, more damage, more life saving ability. Why mercy rez one person when I can suzu the whole team? Or lamp? No burst healing either like w bap. No high damage like illari. Everyone else in her roll does what she does better.
Almost Reaper and almost Cassidy (because they die while ulting).
Junkrat and ball as well (maybe next season).
Roadhog one shot? No lmao