I brought this up a couple of days ago stating that we don’t know how much power Kevin Warren has and was laughed at. I thought he only had control over the management (stadium, revenue being brought in, etc) side of the bears, but maybe not. Thoughts?

  • rustysurf83B
    10 months ago

    This is the thing that gives me a little bit of solace. If he fires Flus and brings in a new coach, he likely buys himself at least 2 more years as GM. I think he’s smart enough to realize that. Fire Flus, bring in a new coach. Have new coach work with Fields. If it goes horribly wrong, draft a QB in 25, get at least another year, maybe two. I mean that’s the rational decision that I would make. If he sticks with Flus AND Fields next year and it’s miserable. he’s cooked. If he drafts Maye or Williams and it’s a disaster, he’s cooked.