This worlds final they won with Lee 2 times. Oner has 82.5% winrate on Lee Sin and maybe lost games were Faker was benched.
2019 vs G2 they even won with Lee Sin and LeBlanc. The most lethal combo with Faker and a good Lee Sin (Clid). It was so unstoppable and scary. Finally they decided to pick it and smurfed on the enemies.
Worlds Finals 2022. They picked Lee Sin the first game, in which they oblierated DRX making my friends think it’s so over and going to sleep as it was late in the night due to NA time.
Despite Lee Sin World Patch buffs, they did not pick him and pulled him out in the final making me happy.
I understand Lee Sin having a lower winrate overall not looking op bc of instant nerfs coming then. However, paired with Faker it was always so dominant and brutal. Especially with clutch Lee Sin Players. It fits their style the most and is amazing to watch. Obviously pulling him out when everything seems right, the winrate will be higher than spamming him. Still, it does not look like the enemy can do much against their synergy with Lee Sin.
How can I track down the exact winrate. Can an AI do that?