
A UK article addressing common EV smear attempts.

• FALSE: ‘An EV has to travel 50,000+ miles to break even’ 
• FALSE: ‘VW’s e-Golf becomes more environmentally friendly only after 77,000 miles’ 
• FALSE: The ‘electric Volvo C40 needs to be driven around 68,400 miles to cut carbon’ 
• FALSE: ‘Electric vehicles have little or no CO2 advantage over the car you already drive’ 
• FALSE: ‘Climate change is accelerating because of the ban on combustion-engines’ 
• FALSE: ‘Old bangers are the green motorist’s choice’ 
• FALSE: ‘EVs simply displace carbon emissions from roads to distant power stations’ 
• MOSTLY FALSE: ‘Electric cars are not green machines’ 
• INCOMPLETE: ‘Electric vehicles alone can’t solve climate change’ 
• FALSE: ‘EVs are [low-mileage] runabouts…[that] take a long time to pay off their carbon debt’ 
• FALSE: ‘Synthetic petrol could displace electric vehicles’ 
• FALSE: ‘Hydrogen cars are more sustainable than EVs’ 
• FALSE: ‘Sales of electric vehicles appear to be slowing’ 
• FALSE: ‘Electric cars could soon be more expensive to drive than their petrol equivalents’ 
• FALSE: ‘There are insufficient raw materials…for all vehicles to be EVs’ 
• FALSE: The lifetime of EV batteries is ‘horribly uncertain’ 
• FALSE: ‘Electric vehicles can explode – petrol ones only do it in movies’ 
• FALSE: ‘Under Biden’s electric vehicle mandate, 40% of US auto jobs will disappear’ 
• FALSE: ‘Electric car revolution at crisis point’ due to ‘charging point shortage’ 
• FALSE: ‘Britain’s creaking power grid cannot cope with charging electric cars’ 
• FALSE: ‘How your super heavy EV produces MORE pollution than petrol and diesel cars