• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • I quick scanned a lot of the comments here and many of them are answering your TITLE statement about car brands but the body of your question is about EVs, this is entirely different.

    Experience with past ICE dealer service has little to nothing to do with future EV service. Many big name ICE dealers with great historical reputations are completely incapable of handling significant EV problems at the local dealer level.

    Wonderful supportive delightful annual oil changes do not translate to software, battery pack, diagnostic capabilities. Many dealers do not even have qualified EV service techs.

    Ideally your EV will have few problems. Ironically this is a problem for the dealers because repair is their biggest income source. If you’re looking for best EV service, you need to restrict your comparison to actual EV service.

  • “… the hotel we will be at has Tesla superchargers.

    To be clear, Tesla Superchargers are “near” the hotel, they are not part of the hotel services. I’ve stayed in places where the Superchargers are right in the hotel parking lot, I’ve also been to a hotel that claimed Superchargers but they were two miles away. FYI

    “… Can an EV6 use the Tesla chargers?

    No! Okay there are a small handful of magicdock capable Superchargers but they are rare and unlikely in the extreme.

    " - Will we have to download an app to use the tesla charging network?"

    No! With Tesla it’s very simple, just plugin. No fuss, no muss, no apps. The rental agency will be billed for the charge and they will pass it on to your bill.

    Not asked, “How do you find the chargers?

    The Tesla will tell you where the chargers are located and recommend one based upon your charge status. Selecting it from screen will offer to auto route you to it and automatically begin preconditioning the battery for fast charging.

    Based upon your unfamiliarity with EVs, I strongly recommend you go Tesla and only Tesla.

    Part of Tesla’s normal purchase procedure is a series of brief training videos. These videos are available via Tesla and Youtube. I suggest watching them before your first drive. If you have time, schedule a test drive with your nearest Tesla showroom. It’s fun and there’s no obligation or cost.

    If you go non-Tesla:

    You cannot use the Tesla Superchargers.

    You will need to download apps for charging and possibly apps to even find the chargers, depending upon the car. You may have to know to manually pre-condition the battery or be completely unable to do so, depending upon the car. I’m not familiar with the EV6 amenities.


    Rental agencies have a long tradition of not having the car you reserved and offering an “equivalent”.

    Often rental agencies require you to charge up the car before returning it. Look carefully at the penalty and decide when the time comes what the effort is worth to you. Depending upon location support and contract details, it might be worthwhile to just pay the small penalty.

  • I have no doubt that is your belief.

    I see “rule of law” as the guiding structure over mob action. If there is no baseline of law then whoever gathers the largest mob runs over everyone else, as seems to be the case in Sweden.

    “Free Market” is a term that generally refers to the economics of cost and trade, not to mob extortion and enforced conformity.

    It’s ironic that you refer to the negotiation between employer and worker when that is precisely what is not happening in Sweden.

  • I don’t understand why you feel the need to purchase an entirely different charger because the installation quote was high? If the charger comes “free” use that one and your own electrician.

    According to the advertisement I saw, the “Free Charger” is a ChargePoint L2 Home Flex EV charger. Why not use it?

  • Hands down for me it was environmental.

    Every school day we go pick up the grand kids from school. We park 1/4 mile out and walk in but most people sit in a huge slow vehicle line with their engines running. When the breeze is blowing the wrong way, it’s amazing that hundreds of kids waiting to be picked up aren’t keeling over from the choking exhaust. Many huge trucks, and one Ferrari, line up day after day.

    The fact that my Tesla is also the highest performing car I’ve ever owned is a delightful bonus.

    I wasn’t thrilled when some Ya Hoo in a jacked up pickup apparently hated EVs, or perhaps Teslas, and tried to run me off the road. I took the opportunity to politely inform him about the performance of an EV and watched him fade away in my rear view mirror.

  • retiredminionBtoElectric Vehicles@gearhead.townEV Manufacturing
    10 months ago

    There should be a name for this fallacy.

    There is, Perfect is the Enemy of Good

    Perfect is the enemy of good is an aphorism which means insistence on perfection often prevents implementation of good

    There is also the Nirvana Fallacy

    The nirvana fallacy is the informal fallacy of comparing actual things with unrealistic, idealized alternatives. It can also refer to the tendency to assume there is a perfect solution to a particular problem. A closely related concept is the “perfect solution fallacy”.

    By creating a false dichotomy that presents one option which is obviously advantageous—while at the same time being completely implausible—a person using the nirvana fallacy can attack any opposing idea because it is imperfect. Under this fallacy, the choice is not between real world solutions; it is, rather, a choice between one realistic achievable possibility and another unrealistic solution that could in some way be “better”.

  • Yes per Teslarati:

    When asked why they did not join IF Metall’s planned walkout, the Tesla staff reportedly noted that they did not see the need to strike because their working conditions and wages were already better than their previous workplaces.

    Some younger employees also reportedly stated that their salary and career paths are much better at Tesla as compared to other automakers. They also appreciated the fact that they were issued stock options from the company, some of whom have reportedly seen an increase of several hundred percent to date.

    What is interesting is that IF Metall and the Tesla workers in Sweden had actually met several times in the past. The employees, however, were reportedly unimpressed with what the union was offering.

    For those who automatically discount anything from Teslarati, here are some Swedish links about the strike."

    Strejken hos Tesla - Ingen ställde upp

    Strejken som inte fanns

    And Google Translate