How come a hero such as Naix is no longer a counter to beefier heroes anymore, especially in a meta where heart can be rushed?
Is 3%(with talent) too little to make a difference?
In Hots you have Tychus whos usualy the goto to deal with tanks

  • Fantastic_Mirror_944B
    1 year ago

    You can deal with them in many ways and heroes, having a large HP pool means nothing per se. What you need to think is their Effective HP, so for example, 5000 HP pudge with 7 armor is easily killable, you would just need a desolator and you would cut him in a second. But having 4000 HP with 20 armor is very different situation. Think how they sustain and keep their HP high and try to overcome that. High armor and low magic resistance, you have a window to deal with them with magic damage. Try to abuse a mechanic, if they need to reach you to be unkillable, then you need to keep distance and slow them, drow is very good once he manages to keep attacking from afar, due to his ultimate, sniper has long range attack, so attack speed and knock back is great. Tidehunter and bristle rely a lot on their passives, so you need to break them. Nullifier when the tank uses an item or buff to keep them alive.