How come a hero such as Naix is no longer a counter to beefier heroes anymore, especially in a meta where heart can be rushed?
Is 3%(with talent) too little to make a difference?
In Hots you have Tychus whos usualy the goto to deal with tanks

  • chshcatB
    10 months ago

    There isn’t really any true anti tank tech in dota the same way there is in HotS. The best counters right now I would say is Necro and AA. Necro has %damage aura and also later a antiheal talent, and most importantly is as basically as tanky as the tanks he counters. AA ult stops all healing and also has %damage.

    Anti heal is often a as good if not better solution than %damage to tanks, as it stops their sustain and makes them easier to burst. You can also use minus armor because it will reduce their physical effective HP by a lot, such as Weaver, Dazzle, TA, Slardar or bypass armor completely with Muerta.