How come a hero such as Naix is no longer a counter to beefier heroes anymore, especially in a meta where heart can be rushed?
Is 3%(with talent) too little to make a difference?
In Hots you have Tychus whos usualy the goto to deal with tanks

  • KrisHwtB
    10 months ago

    The problem is that LS is incredibly easy to kite and the tanky meta heroes are either highly mobile (SB, Primal, ES), have great CC for kiting (Kunkka), or both. While Armelt/deso lifestealer is incredibly strong and good for damage dealing on tanky heroes, it’s very hard for him to keep on a single target.

    Because of this mostly people play him as a siege weapon, where you either fight him or he continues to pressure the map/lane. IE the Midas/radiance or armlet/radiance build. But there are currently better picks to do that and offer more to their team (Spec, WK, Alch).