After watching last nights game I’m convinced raptors have the better team but Tyrese was the best player on the court last night. OG was making Ill advised decisions with the ball (trying to dunk on jalen smith, trying to hit a deep pull up 3 like he’s steph). I don’t think he can be a go to on ball offensive player, but I think he can be one of the best 3&D guys in the league. I’m curious what everyone else in this sub is seeing with this team. Does Scottie need to step up? Do we need to get a better Center (Jakob continuously gets cooked on drivers and has no hops)? Is it just about buying into Darkos system more? We have the talent but I’m unsure what we need to take the next step moving forward.

  • Kevita24B
    10 months ago

    I think Masai and Bobby will sit on their hands, re-sign both Siakam and OG to massive contracts in the offseason, and add one minor piece before the deadline by trading some of our bench to bring in a shooter

    Why? Because that’s what they’ve done forever…sit on their hands, and I don’t expect them to change because Masai doesn’t sell low on players and right now Siakams trade value isn’t what it was a year ago

    He’s only trading Siakam is he gets a haul