Purchasing steam deck was an experience I would like to forget. But now shipping is equally messed up.

I mean delivery estimate of 3-5 days is bad to start from. I live in the UK and maybe Amazon spoiled me a bit but these days I expect things to get posted next day for delivery a day after. Especially expensive items.

Steam delivery updates are borderline useless. My current status is “shipped” since Tuesday…it’s 5th working day today. So they failed even on their own bloated estimate. Looking at Reddit it seems there are many others in a similar situation.

If it was a random guy from eBay sending a deck somewhere from the middle of nowhere I would understand…but ffs this is a multimillion dollars corporation with almost unlimited resources that has done similar things in the past.

Steam get your act together! Reputation is not easy to fix.

  • HippoTiger789OPB
    11 months ago

    Ahh yes and steam stands behind the couriers paying them extra and giving them plenty of time to deliver?! I don’t approve of what amazon does but don’t confuse lack of planning and management of the process with ethical/unethical behaviour. Steam is a big corpo just like Amazon, the same principles (or lack of) if you think otherwise you are naive

    • AshleyUnciaB
      11 months ago

      Ahh yes and steam stands behind the couriers paying them extra and giving them plenty of time to deliver?!

      Believe it or not, most of the carriers Valve uses (I have no idea why you think the company is named ‘Steam’.) are unionized. :P

      • HippoTiger789OPB
        11 months ago

        Probably coincidence. Unionised doesn’t mean they don’t piss in a bottle. I’m sure the courier who will bring my deck will have a smile on his face ;-) it’s probably going to be the same guy who delivers Amazon’s stuff

        Valve is profit first just like Amazon. They are not a multi billion company because they are giving more than they are taking.