We’ve seen 5 different champions in the last 5 years, which hasn’t happened since the 70s. That includes firsts time wins for Toronto and Denver, and the first in 50 years for Milwaukee.

We’re also seeing other teams who have never won break out this year in the Thunder, Magic, and Twolves. It seems that more and more teams are in contention each year.

The NBA has been ruled by dynasties for most of its existence. Could the be the start of an era of parity?

  • MV7EaglesFanB
    10 months ago

    There’s literally a second apron hard cap. Why wouldn’t it be? This isn’t the NFL where everyone knows the Eagles are making the Super Bowl again. Who knows who is going to the NBA Finals? Its insanely unpredictable.

  • 2020IsANightmareB
    10 months ago

    We’re just doing a bunch of fake shit.

    Toronto won it all! All they had to do was…acquire a guy THAT ALREADY WON A FINALS MVP and have GS entire team fall apart.

    Milwaukee and Denver bucked the trend. They somehow won the Finals with the best player in the league.

    (Oh, by the way. The other two teams are LeBron and Steph winning their fourth!!!)

    Orlando has zero fucking chance of winning it all this year. As do OKC and MIN.

    The Finals is going to be DEN, either LA team or PHX facing BOS or MIL (unless MIA makes their third Finals in, what, six years?)

    Actual parity will never exist in the NBA.