What makes a good game design is an operator that :

  1. avoids frustration
  2. allows for creative and various plays
  3. is skilful and allows for skill expression, with great learning curves
  4. is fun to play and avoids clunkiness (like tachanka would be great game design if it wasn’t that clunky to use).

This list is not about the current strengths of the operator : for exemple Azami is somewhat broken, but it isn’t because of poor game design, take 1/2 kibas away and she would be perfectly fine. That is a matter of balancing, not game design.

Another exemple is Blackbeard, he is weak af right now, but the reason he is weak isn’t balancing, it’s game design : if they buffed him he would be a nightmare, very frustrating to face. That is because fundamentally, his game design is flawed.

Ace, Tatcher, Doka, Fenrir, Ying are all very meta operator but honestly they are kinda weak in their game design. Doka, Ying and Fenrir are somewhat broken and can be quite frustrating. Ace is the go to hard breacher, there is just nothing special to his kit, no intentional choice to make : he is just the most well rounded hard breach gadget which is an issue in today’s meta. Tatcher is just very blank…

New operator could be top tier but I was cautious as I have haven’t played him yet. Maybe I was too nice with lesion too, but tell me what you think.