From an item that constantly lost its value as the game progressed, it has now become one of, if not the strongest item in terms of damage.

"Passive - Cinderbloom: Magic damage and true damage critically strikes enemies below 35% health, dealing 20% increased damage (reduced to 30% increased damage for damage over time and pet effects) ". Following data has been created by a friend of mine for Azir mains.

The emphasis was on testing new items and how Lich Bane damage proc can be compared to their output.

“6 item build where I kept swapping Zhonya-Lich-Stormsurge:”

  • Sorc shoes
  • Nashor’s tooth
  • Zhonya <->Stormrsurge<->Lichbane are the swaps within this build
  • Shadowflame
  • Void
  • Rabadon

12 Conq stack, Lvl 18. Target Dummy has 100 armor/mr, 3k HP. Lichbane has auto attack reset and 1,5 s CD. Stormsurge has 20s CD.

+Lich on the last 2 column refers to the Lich Passive getting activated

As everyone can see, the value of damage below 35% HP has increased significantly in all cases, which is relevant damage in all cases, regardless of who the target is.

Values ​​above 35% HP can also be interpreted as the build not including shadowflame with a slight difference, but the differences are clear.

Not to mention the stats makes it ideal item to rush on AP assassins and viable 2nd item for burst mages who will now scale even better with this item.