Basically at this point I’ve given up on raising behaviour, since it has gone up like 400 in around 100+ games while my communication score is stuck at 5771 (see my previous posts on this sub if you want more info).

Quality of games is trash at 7700 mmr, nobody wants to play, everyone is griefing and 2/10 people can use chat, everyone else is muted and can only communicate using console.

The point of my post is not to complain about that, since I’ve given up on the broken system, but to know if people have had first hand experience with starting on a fresh account recently. I can buy a 5k mmr account for like 10 dollars and easily raise it back to my previous mmr with 12k behaviour score and the ability to actually communicate with people, but I’m not sure if it will get flagged as a smurf if I stomp my way through the first 1k mmr or so.

If you want to say “noooo don’t do it! smurfing is LE BAD!”, save it bucko, just downvote and hope the thread gets hidden, the only thing that will deter me from doing this is hard evidence that someone got caught by the system and got his new account (and main account) banned, specifically in the past month or so.

Any stories?

  • Dotaisgreat2B
    1 year ago

    Just play unranked or turbo and mute, pick the heroes you best solo carry with and commend your whole team unless there is some kind of griefer. When people get commended they tend to commend back. It got me 2 k BS is less than a month and I pretty much ONLY play on weekends.

    • Dotaisgreat2B
      1 year ago

      P.S. taking a break from ranked every so often is literally so good for the mental state of players. Just play with no cares for being the best and just watch silly chaos unfold.

      • Capable-Year9741OPB
        1 year ago

        For the past month I"ve had no chat and I just mute everyone, dont ping, dont draw on the map, its like I’m playing alone. Manage to have a positive winrate and am very very close to hitting 8k, behaviour still barely moves up like 100 per summary, and if I lose too many games I lose like 300.

        • Dotaisgreat2B
          1 year ago

          I’ve been seeing a lot of posts with similar issues, apparently it seems like some kind of bug, my only issue is I’ve never been below 9k BS so I cans speak for how hard it is to climb, but seeing as I used to be quite toxic and still never went below 9k really goes to show how bad you must have been to even get that low In the first place.

    • Capable-Year9741OPB
      1 year ago

      I tried that reluctantly the other day, won 14 out of 15 games of turbo and lost 30 behaviour. Idk.