P.S. taking a break from ranked every so often is literally so good for the mental state of players. Just play with no cares for being the best and just watch silly chaos unfold.
P.S. taking a break from ranked every so often is literally so good for the mental state of players. Just play with no cares for being the best and just watch silly chaos unfold.
Just play unranked or turbo and mute, pick the heroes you best solo carry with and commend your whole team unless there is some kind of griefer. When people get commended they tend to commend back. It got me 2 k BS is less than a month and I pretty much ONLY play on weekends.
Why would they ever make a full caster hero like pugna agility.
I mean according to dota buff ck did drop much closer to a 50% winrate. So while he may still be strong it isn’t mega broken like it used to be.
I’m expecting nothing for frostivus so I get pleasantly surprised
If a guy like me who literally sucks massive dick at every game I play can get 2.7k mmr, you can too. My friend who introduced me to the game has been stuck at herald since before ranked medals were even introduced. And he has also never once beat me in a 1v1. So you are objectively wrong. If you can’t get out of your rank you are literally just playing the game wrong. Find a person who is significantly better than your rank, and have them analyze a couple games. I guarantee you they will find like 10 basic things your are doing keeping you from gaining rank. Also watch the bsj dota fundamentals guides. They helped me go from guardian 1 to archon 3 so far.
I’ve played 1 game before work every day this week. (Which is rare as I usually only play weekends) but all of them have been ranked, very fun, and all of them have been wins. So you are objectively wrong.
My first hero was razor. Literally because I thought he looked cool. In terms of heroes I’d actually recommend tho, crystal maiden, dragon knight, juggernaut shadow shaman or necrophos are all good places to start.
Wait for the weekend we will get some cool shit than.
I genuinely think the only theam he may have trouble with is GG with how fast paced they are playing. But even than there is a chance spirit just roll over the lanes of GG and their whole stomp you early and end before 30 min might be just done. That is if they beat LGD tomorrow of course.
I’ve been seeing a lot of posts with similar issues, apparently it seems like some kind of bug, my only issue is I’ve never been below 9k BS so I cans speak for how hard it is to climb, but seeing as I used to be quite toxic and still never went below 9k really goes to show how bad you must have been to even get that low In the first place.