So the RB coach Faulkner will handle day-to-day OC duties, but QB coach Sullivan will call the plays in game? What’s the logic here? I’m wondering why not make Sullivan the interim OC period. I want one guy involved in everything an OC needs to be thinking about. Is there a method to this madness?

  • Nanteen1028B
    10 months ago

    They probably don’t want to give Sullivan a job because he won’t focus on the run game as much as they want to. But they do need Sullivan there because as the QB coach he knows all the plays and what all the plays are actually called.

    Now the Canada is gone, you need the only other person who probably knows the names of every offensive play.

    • EuroStepJamOPB
      10 months ago

      That makes some sense, but I still want the person who knows the strategy originating the play call. If Faulkner has set the strategy to be more TE usage, and wants a play to a TE in the middle of the field, he should just tell Sullivan that and let him find the name of that play. I don’t like the idea of someone calling plays who was not part of setting the overall offensive strategy if that’s what is happening. Then again, I really don’t know how well a RB coach skillset correlates with an OC skillset. OC needs to see the bigger picture more than a position coach does , but QB position coach could be more related to OC job.

      • ASuperGyroB
        10 months ago

        There are HCs that are play callers, playcalling is a specific duty typically under the scope of an OC, but there’s plenty more that they do.

      • Steelplate7B
        10 months ago

        I think you are reading too much into this. Sullivan will be involved in game planning too. It’s not coaches only speak to one another on game day.

        Heck, all the offensive coaches…along with Mike Tomlin will be strategizing throughout the week and implementing that plan in practice. They do the same on defense throughout the week.

        Faulkner and Sullivan will be working together. Sullivan has more NFL experience, which is likely why he’s going to do the in game play calling.

        I mean, we don’t know the specifics. Maybe Sullivan said “man…I’ve done this job(OC) a few times, I don’t want the time commitment or the stress”

        Faulkner, who was only OC for 2 years at Ball State and his only NFL experience is his stint here in Pittsburgh.

        Maybe due to his lack of NFL experience, either he doesn’t feel comfortable or Tomlin doesn’t feel comfortable with calling the plays in game.

        But, they will be on the same page come game day.