It’s not a fun role, but it’s not a passive role either. Being the only tank in the team we rely on you to make the push… but lately there’s been a lot of passive ass tanks who just don’t push! We get a pick and most of time their still outside the point firing their pea shooters outside their preferred range oooor trying to… flank?

It’s all just quick play scrubs, but christ give me a Rein who charges in cause at least he’s doing something. I can at least try to defend him and he’s actively pushing them back by merely being there.

  • Collin120423B
    10 months ago

    Another thing to remember is depending on the team comps on both sides, the tank may not necessarily be the proper engage.

    For example if you have a Sombra it is perfectly ok for them to hack and annoy a backline, which makes some of the team turn, and then you can push in while their attention is split.

    If you have long range dps you can look for a pick off from the widow or Hanzo or even ashe which then gives the green light.

    Got a mei and roadhog? Hook to wall, get a pick, then push forward.

    So it isn’t always just “tank pushes charge button and team follows”.