So this is full of “what ifs”…but if new ownership in Washington goes in a new direction (fires Ron Rivera) and doesn’t hire their current OC as the head man then this frees up Eric Bieniemy.

Bieniemy (to me) would be the perfect fit for OC in this situation; however, my question is this.

Would Tomlin even consider this because Bieniemy appears to be the type of coach that is very strong willed and wants to be a head coach, which Tomlin appears to not want people like this on his staff.

  • PaleHorseWriterOPB
    10 months ago

    Just my opinion, but he has plenty of experience and calls plays extremely well (or so it is said). He has a history of being able to game plan and adjust, not to mention his players love and respect him for the most part…

    I know the knock is he is harder to work with for some, but the best OC we have had after Whiz was Todd Haley and everyone said he was hard to work with as well (he was canned because of the franchise QB)