I keep feeling dumbfounded with all that’s played out since the end of last year. Are they de-prioritizing him, are they not? Are they going to resign him or look to move him? What’s the market for him? What would they be looking to get for him? What’s the plan for the rest of the roster? Are we firesaling or staying the course. With every passing week and every up and down performance from the team, I’m left with more questions than answers. It’s perplexing.

  • Eastern-Technology84B
    10 months ago

    If I was putting money on it, I bet is the exact same thing that happened with Fred. I hope I’m wrong but I feel like the writings been on the wall with this one.

    Masai thinks he can resign Pascal on a conservative deal, and he gets a better one. Then they resign OG (and possibly Gary so the asset management doesn’t look “as bad”).

    Masai and Bobby are “still evaluating” under a new coaching system, and won’t want to move Pascal for anything less than a “kings ransom”, because they’d rather let a player walk than lose the trade.

    • GuessableSevensB
      10 months ago

      I think youre off-base but kind of right.

      I don’t think masai is stupid enough to not pay Siakam a max deal. He’s still gonna offer him the 30% max (don’t think he gets 35% even if he probably will sneak into All-NBA this year) which is the most that anyone can offer him.

      The problem is that 6ers will offer him the same money and a chance to win a chip with Embiid and Maxey. 6ers can get Siakam and still have room to pay OG $35-40M/year and pay Maxey a rookie max extension. That lineup of Embiid/Siakam/OG/Oubre/Maxey is a title contender easily.

      I don’t see how Toronto is ever going to be the most attractive option for Siakam or OG, even if we offer the same/more money.

    • BaseballNo6013OPB
      10 months ago

      FVV that was just a bad draw on a complete overreach by the Rockets IMO. They honestly processed that one right but the outcome didn’t work out.

      Pascal is a max guy full stop, and the dynamics on that baseline alone change things. No need to guess, some team is likely to offer him the max or close to it. No home town discount here. The Raptors can always offer him more than anyone else can on annual raises etc and Supermax potential, so they always have that ace in their back pocket, but otherwise, the alternatives should be clear.

      If you’re not planning to move him now, than maybe you plan to do it next year, or otherwise wholesale move on from the ancillary pieces and get a competent roster around the remainder of the team.

      It’s been incredibly frustrating to watch Pascal and Scottie oscillate elite moments, only to be undone by the fact that there are no complimentary players around either of them on the roster, outside OG.