Posting a caption here for the automod that keeps deleting my posts

  • Legoman3374B
    10 months ago

    My honest thought are kinda very binary on sym mains

    Group 1 consists of people who aren’t great at fps games mechanically and gravitate towards sym because its actually a character they jive with and feel they get more value from from trying to use a bit more strategy. I really like these players as this is what this game should be about , a hero for everyone.

    Group 2 consists of people who play sym to abuse how easy she is to get value on maps like lijang tower, and nepal. These players are meta whores who play the game only to win and fun isn’t even a word in thier vocabulary. Realistically these players probably would rather play alot of other heros but they just want the easiest path victory. This group of players also use sym as tool for toxicity because they know how easy it is to tilt players in certain places.

    Unfortunately I see probably about 65% of group 2 type sym players. Anytime I get one from group 1 its usually a great experience.