You misspelled widowmaker
You misspelled widowmaker
My honest thought are kinda very binary on sym mains
Group 1 consists of people who aren’t great at fps games mechanically and gravitate towards sym because its actually a character they jive with and feel they get more value from from trying to use a bit more strategy. I really like these players as this is what this game should be about , a hero for everyone.
Group 2 consists of people who play sym to abuse how easy she is to get value on maps like lijang tower, and nepal. These players are meta whores who play the game only to win and fun isn’t even a word in thier vocabulary. Realistically these players probably would rather play alot of other heros but they just want the easiest path victory. This group of players also use sym as tool for toxicity because they know how easy it is to tilt players in certain places.
Unfortunately I see probably about 65% of group 2 type sym players. Anytime I get one from group 1 its usually a great experience.
Heros with really simple kits that don’t really change a bunch getting weaker is indicitve that other heros are more in need of nerfs rather than giving the simple hero more buffs
Depending on the character your playing you ethier can do nothing against ball as there not even a crit point to hit a skill shot to save your own life. Or you just shutdown the ball for free. There just no good middle ground with him
Not until gm1, until then the combo to insta kill squishys will carry you there as long as the enemy doesn’t actively counter you or you get bad map rotation
Wasn’t a fan of the tank role until jq, ram, and mauga were added. Ya they get thier shit kicked in if I play against a team thats same actual skill playing a more meta hero. But the point is I enjoy certain heros to the point where I’m willing to drop a couple ranks if that means I can keep playing the heros I like. I won’t play heros that are boring like orisa, sym, moria, mercy because then my time isn’t worth it
If we lose one and the engagement hasn’t even began yet then I just backup and wait and watch usually 1 or 2 more just feed to the enemy team, its infuriating, also part of the reason I fucking hate Widow
Ngl I dont think bastion is the problem but is just the easiest to enable with the massive amounts of healing going around right now
Ngl there also gotta be some weight to one shots as the amount of hanzo potgs recent has been nuts
Only reason I upgraded from a 8700k was cause I wanted to get rid of frame drops in big teamfight in ow2 so I could stay above 240 at all times but other wise was still happy with it when I upgraded to a 13700k