Every single game has 1-4 fresh accounts with giga inflated mmr. Win 3 games in a row and you play with plat + emerald on a lv 30 account.

There is no good outcome when you have these guys on your team. They are either a player that is “smurfing” in the exact same elo as their main account but act toxic as fuck becuase they think they are this rank because of bad mmr or some bullshit. They can flame/int/troll how much they want and you can’t talk back because they don’t care if their 5€ account gets banned. The account costs less than 1 skin.

Or they are just complete shit silver players who got lucky first few games on the account and riot now gives them giga mmr for no reason and they get complete gapped and ruin the game.

Or you get the rare actual smurf diamond+ player who probably makes the game a one sided stomp but they will also troll instantly if their team is letting them down.

Smurfing is cringe either way but holy shit i can’t stand these guys just hopping from account to account trying to luck into the rank they want flaming/inting/trolling anytime they are not given a free win by their team.

  • AltricadB
    10 months ago

    This doesn’t even happen that often

    And even if it does, regular people are as toxic as well OP

    Source: I play in emerald, spectate my friends and their plat-emerald games

    At the end of the day, the odds of someone with massive skill differential (think a challenger player) playing in these lobbies are nil

    On the other hand, old “smurf queue” GENUINELY had challengers and grandmasters playing with people who were coming back to the game/had less than 100 ranked games per split

    With how much lp you get per win honestly? You should be able to get to Diamond if you only consistently play on your main and avoid these people if they’re an issue

    Unless you’re complaining as someone who’s also making a new account