I hate when enemies ignore each other. Bandit walking close to a wolf and they act like the other doesn’t exist but if they spot me they both run towards me. So annoying.
Bosses with adds or squad bosses.
Almost (almost!) always feels like “nah, I can’t make this boss challenging enough, so I just slap another half-baked one along and call it a day”. Same for never ending adds. Combine for pure cancer.
What is this? Is this where you have to take out the main point, but you have extra limbs attacking you and they regenerate as long as one is alive?
I hate when I’m playing an FPS and I look down and don’t see my torso and legs. So I’m just a floating head with a gun???
Silent protagonists but they give you dialogue options that still say the same thing
You’re not helping me self insert because the character is still doing things I wouldnt do. If you’re going to have a character here, then just give them a regular personality. THAT actually helps me relate to the situation more when I see how a person might act. If you ask me what I would do but then give me the options of “Yes” or “Yeah” or “Probably,” then it takes me right out of the experience.
Competitive Games when randoms:
Or lately with CS2 the freaking snobs that reacted to be buying an Semi Auto Sniper last round by killing me because they say it’s not how you play CS. Fucking sweaty snobs. Why have it in the game if I’m not “supposed” to use it.
When the camera zooms in closer behind your character when you enter a settlement or city
Looking at you, Horizon Zero Dawn… I want to look around! Why is the camera shoved in the back of the characters head?!
Stack sizes in inventory or items that can’t be stacked.
“Fake” or overly cinematic gameplay. Where collisions are unrealistic, being unable to jump over small obstacles, enemies hitting you when it doesn’t look like they did, not being allowed to leave basic paths or boundaries when its clear that your character could.
In Jrpgs battles giving an absolute abysmal amount of money (if they give you any at all) and the Game expecting you to sell stuff to keep Up with your expenses
When a first person game keeps putting my character’s hands in front of the camera. Think Fallout 4 when you are rising out of the vault, and your character holds out their hands to block the sun. Or swatting away a cloud of flies in RE VII. It’s like they are doing it to “immerse” you in first person mode, but it has the opposite effect on me. The worst offender by far was the last “Thief” game, where every time you crouched, both of your hands were fully visible on screen. Think of how you would have to position your body to crouch and have both hands fully visible. It would look absolutely ridiculous.
When I can’t climb over a tiny object that’s clearly no taller than my character’s knee
No instant restart on games that you restart a lot in…
When you use up ammo or some other finite resource fighting and you die but when you respawn you’re now low on that ammo. Err… no motherfucker! If I’m restarting from a a checkpoint then give me all the shit I had at that check point.
And no, I’m not talking about Soulsborne games where that’s part of the challenge
Phone games that assume you have the largest phone and the text appears as tiny tiny fuzz.
When I look down in a first-person game and I don’t have any legs.
Damn, I wanted to vent about this. Invisible walls that don’t match the scenery. I was playing Resident Evil and I tried to avoid a zombie only to get stopped by grass. Not tall grass. Like, a few blades sticking out of the ground.