So idea is to replace dota plus leveling feature with something that will be called Hero mastery.Basically it will be the same as dota + version, but you can level it up to any level without a paywall, but feature that it gives right now, voice lines and stuff are still going to be a part of dota +.

So what is it for? Idea is, when you play ranked, you can only pick heroes whos mastery level is not lower, than 8(debatable number). And ofc you cant play ranked, unless you have like 15(can also be debatable,could be amount per role or amount overall) of them.

Why this needs to be added?

I see a lot of players going through lose streaks, raging and trying to swift their roles. Supports be like “AA, my carry sucks all the time, impossible to win as a support, i should be carry”, than they pick a random carry they destroyed them in a prev game and … they suck. Same for any other role.

I think it will make ranked a lot healthier and it also serves as another wall smurfs will have to climb through,before they can actually play ranked.