Sorry if this is an obvious questions to some people but I really couldn’t find the info I was looking for online. Maybe it’s just a matter of personal preference but it definitely feels to me that the level of polish and artistry to the designs has pretty sharply gone downhill since the first game. I mean it may seem like a small thing but if you compare the Overwatch 1 skins for each character to the Overwatch 2 versions it is night and day. Plus each new character they’ve added has been just incredibly bland looking with the exception of maybe JQ. I have no complaints with the level design, that seems to have mostly stayed at the same good quality imo.

  • SpatialspiderB
    10 months ago

    I could be wrong but at one point blizzard laid off a bunch of employees and hired new ones so that could be it. (correct me If I’m wrong). Also I’m in a similar boat so I could just be remembering poorly but the graphics design feels mostly the same