idk why but no one talk about how void grabs effect mages, they have before ~60% ap scaling as bonus dmg vs towers and in new season they have 6-8 100+ ap items + new void grabs that allow them to push early even without ap, if that is now overpowered idk what is, can mages het ap scaling vs towers nerf to 30-40% to compensate void grabs buff or they will have no weaknesses in a comp, ad split pushers has hall breaker, tanks has demolish, adc take forever to scale, nerfing mages will allow adc to be best tower dps role or make towers grow hp per tear: t1 5k, t2 6k, t3 7, t4 8, nexus has 12-15k (not 5500 that die in 3 sec)
Guide on how new map changes warding:
top lane will be interesting this season
Seraphine being able to go mid again is a godsend. Literally too many mages went support or APC because it is so gankable.
i like the idea of making topside botside symmetrical in terms of ganking route. im not sold on the midlane changes, did they really need to make the safest lane in the game even safer?
I’m just disappointed they made the vision game so much more linear.
tbh in s14 there might be a meta of swiping bot and top to secure void grabs and push with them later
They’re planning for more changes thats what I like to hear. Hopefully in 3 years time we will have multiple version of SR and you will be able to see which one it is in Draft would make game so much better
Im kinda thinking current, new and then a third one for starters
Is possiblity to change to new engine in next year?
Now give us Winter Rift thank you
I’ve been missing the winter rift since we last saw it. Had they done a normal pre season we could’ve gotten it then and it wouldn’t even affect ranked. Heck they could sell winter, desert, and spring type maps to go with the jungle theme we have for $25 each and they would sell a ton of them. I’d use the shit out of them for sure.