With Goffs recent struggles, I am seeing a lot more “looking forward to HH” posts in the social sphere. Typically the responses to this are just trashing HH and the poster. Why is that? Not sure what I am missing. From the highlights, HH looks pretty good. I don’t think it is out of this world to think he might be the future.

Also, I’m not one that thinks Goff is done. Winning teams lose and elite quarter backs have bad games. They even have back to back bad games, but looking for clarity.

  • KarlsRedditB
    10 months ago

    Detroit is the most insecure population. Instead of sticking with Goff, it’s easier to pine for HH because if he fails, well, no expectations. Expectations carry weight. And weight is too much of a commitment for those who are scared.

    See the whole - Detroit vs Everyone campaign. How about be excellent and no one will be “against” you