By 2028, what players do you think will be MVP? I see Luka winning one or 2, he’ll win one pretty easily but the 2nd one depends on the team record and if he has the #1 record and great stats he’ll win a couple. I think SGA or Trae might win one depending on their record and tbh I think Trae has what it takes to lead the league in points and assists the same year and if he does he deserves an mvp. SGA or Tatum could get one simply because of their team record. A super dark house player I see winning an mvp is Zion but that solely depends on his health but if he can stay healthy for 65 games and he a point forward he can win one. What do you guys think?

  • bmeislerB
    10 months ago

    I’ll probably get down voted but – who cares? It’s a dumb award. Nobody can really tell you what the criteria are. It’s not best player. Is it best player on the best team? Or an OK team that got a lot of wins? And obviously the NBA likes to spread it around or else Shaq would’ve won three times in a row and LeBron would’ve won six or seven times in a row.