Hey guys. I’m 25F. I was raised in the Middle East, Dubai/Bahrain and have had a fabulous life there. I moved to italy a couple of years ago and loved it way more than I liked the Middle East. It started to feel like home there. I’m a national of a horrible weak country so I don’t have the option to just pack my bags up and move.

My husband is American so I moved to America about 4 days ago but am finding it extremely hard to adjust. I’ve travelled here before but have not loved it as much so moving here permanently has been extremely challenging. I keep crying everyday no matter what I do, I’m struggling to adapt and fit in.

Any advice to overcome this?

  • torticaaB
    10 months ago

    You left Italy for the US ?

    You must really love your partner, because nothing on this earth could get me out of Italy.

    It’s paradise over here, the language, the people, the food, the nature, the beaches, the climate.

    If you have a good paying job over here, life is way better than in the US.

    Man … love makes people do some questionable stuff.