The most enjoyable build/patch of your favourite champion. Personally mine was 2014 Kha’zix. His ulti is the same now except it gave 50% damage reduction, his pre evolve w slows and his q did % base damage rather than cooldown reduction. He could kill squishies and tanks while also being unkillable due to stealth/ evolve e 2nd/ dmg reduction. 2018 Kha’zix was also fun where evolved r gave you passive stealth + MS in bushes at all times. What’s everyone else’s?

  • Tundra_Hunter_OCEB
    10 months ago

    My first main was pre rework Evelynn (season 3), I loved everything about the champion and the kit. I don’t like the new one. Being invisible but you have a cc spell that reveal your presence and builds over time… Kinda counters the point. Also I don’t like the art or voice anymore.

    So I switched to pre rework Warwick. Again, I loved the champion and kit. The perma MS, going in and out of fight bleeding my enemy little by little made me feel like a hunter wolf. New kit is MS only toward enemy, blink R is gone…

    So I switched to Gragas. Hopefully if they rework him he stays fun.

    Seems like I prefer old league, voices and kit etc. It was simpler but had more personality to me